Thursday, April 16, 2009


“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”Paul Boose

Every one of us has been hurt in our lives. There is not one person who escapes the pains that happen in life. Whether you have been hurt or have been the person to do the hurting to another, you need forgiveness in your life. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that each of us can use to heal our hearts & souls. Forgiveness empowers everyone involved in the situation. Forgiveness is essential to clearing our hearts & souls, and our minds too! Forgiveness allows you to release the residue left behind long after the offense has taken place. Forgiveness allows you to free yourself from the past. Forgiveness empowers you, helping you reclaim your true nature. Forgiveness is actually the most powerful tool a victim can use, as once forgiveness has been given; the victim role no longer exists for you. Just remember, you have the ability to take back your power, to reclaim yourself….


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness centres you in the now and in yourself once again. You stop regretting what is already in the past. You stop feeding your thought loops of negativity with more energy. And now you can use that energy and focus that was previously spent strengthening those loops to start moving forward again.


Anonymous said...

Hey sis... Edward says hi... I got my brace on but i like the picture of lightning. i love you
